Connecting the Dots

2023 and Your Personal Year

Listen O Lord of the meeting rivers,

Things standing shall fall

But the moving shall always stay.

St. Basavanna (1106-1167) India

Watch over me. 

Hold your hand before me in protection.

Stand guard for me, speak in defense of me.

As I speak for you, speak for me. 

As you speak for me, so I will speak for you.

May all be beautiful before me,

May all be beautiful behind me,

May all be beautiful below me, 

May all be beautiful above me, 

May all be beautiful all around me.

I am restored in beauty.

Navajo Shootingway ceremony prayer 
20th Century USA

Hello! And Happy 2023! (I know I am a few weeks early)

When people seek my intuitive advice, one of my first questions is, “what is your birth date?” Numbers have a vibratory frequency, just as color has its frequency-and I can tune in much the same way. Believe it or not, you DID come down with directions. Your numerology is an important aspect of who you are and why you are here. I am not a numerologist, but I do look at some of your birth and name numbers to help me tune in and help me answer some of your questions. Your personal year vibration provides insight into the year your are experiencing, and often answers some of the questions as to what happened LAST year and where next year is heading.

Just as every color has a corresponding keyword, and a corresponding energy center so does every number. Every number over 9 is reduced to a single digit. Understanding these numbers provides insight to your lessons for 2023.

2023 is a 7 Universal year (2+0+2+3=7) 

THIS YEAR, 2023 is a spiritual year, with 7 being a very spiritual number. Think of what represents the number 7, 7 choirs of angels, 7 notes to a musical scale, 7 days to the week, 7 chakra centers within the body. Seven represents “The Faith-Seeker”, Spirituality, Solitude and  Introspection Universal means that this is the cycle the world is moving through, therefore events  that occur throughout the world will have a tendency to promote introspection, faith and spirituality. AND we are all very aware that if we do not learn these lessons through gentle reminders throughout our day, these reminders become not so gentle! What will it take to get your attention so you slow down, appreciate the beauty in the world, the goodness it has to offer? Sometimes it is just looking out your window and being grateful for that beauty. It doesn’t have to be complicated, it just needs to be genuine.

Your personal year can also be greatly influenced by the Universal year, particularly if YOUR PERSONAL year is a 7. 

How to calculate you PERSONAL YEAR FOR 2023.

Simply reduce the group of numbers from your birth day, birth month and THIS current year  (2023) to find out what vibration you are entering in 2023.

Here is my example:  My birthday is November, 21: 11/21

I add up my numbers, November is an 11 month, so my day is 11+21 and this year is 2023, add them up right across the board, for example:


Numerology always reduces to a single digit, therefore 12 is added as 1 + 2 = 3 

I am entering a 3 personal year.

I will then look below at the very insightful information provided and see what my theme for the year will be. This is an overview of your personal year, and if you would like to know more about the interactions between the Universal year of 2023 and your personal year, please contact me for your session, as these interactions between years and months can be very helpful in getting you through certain challenges, and understanding others in your relationships and their challenges. 

1 Personal Year: New Beginnings, Independence and Individuality.

2023 for you was all about finishing up old business and now, with this New Year you are starting fresh. In essence the quote I chose for this blog is about you and your new life! Do not look at your losses as losses, look instead at the “cosmic closet cleaning” (click here to refer to that blog entry) to help you process and understand. A 1 vibration is also about independence and individuality so it is a year for you to shine!

In a sense you will be planting seeds for new projects, relationships, perhaps moving to a new location (business/and/or personal) starting a new career, or new class. Sometimes new seeds of change are slight and not noticeable, and it is only later on down the road that reflection will tell you different. Accept all new people and circumstances as they may bring significance to your journey later on. 

2 Personal Year: Cooperation, Creativity and Person-to Person Relationships

After the last two years of change (the 9 cycle as well as the 1) and redefining who you are in the world, this year is about making friendships and establishing relationships. 2 is a year for peace and I equate it with the germination process of the seed that was planted last year in your 1 personal year cycle.

It can be a year to nurture your creativity and really tap into your intuitive side. Understand just because it is a year for cooperation and relationships does not mean you will have a year of perfect harmony, although that will be the ultimate goal-you will be offered opportunities to learn and nurture relationships. Take a breath and be diplomatic and all will be wonderful.

3 Personal Year: Communication, Self Esteem, Honoring Self, Education

A 3 Personal year is a year of expression and personal growth. The seed that was germinating last year in your 2 Personal year, emerges from the soil. Communication and self-expression in all areas: written word, verbal, and creative communication can come to the forefront in a 3 year. 3 life paths are known as comedians and class clowns, so it makes sense that a 3 year is about entertaining and being entertained. It is a year of fun, meeting new people and redefining how you fit into the greater scope of things. I often tell clients it is about networking in order to prepare you for next year, which is about foundations.

4 Personal Year: Family, Foundations, Organization

A 4 Personal year is about being organized and focusing on your foundation, meaning family, friends, as well as career, the things that define your life. It is a year of opportunities, and I have read that it can be called the “Survival of the Fittest” year, because it is all about cultivating what you have planted. It can also be a year of dramatic events, even upheaval because it is time to purge what is no longer needed so that you are freed up from the inside out. Particularly this year if it is a 4 personal year in a 4 Universal year, which can be transformational. In a sense, this year is preparing you for things that may be life changing.

Whereas last year (a 3 year) was about meeting people and networking (or even about dating) this year is about commitment. It will be a year in which you will feel supported by family and friends and a year to build, proverbially as well as literally. Define and establish your foundations and work to build them into something lasting.

5 Personal Year: My heart goes out to you, call me for a reading. LOL!

Just checking to see if you are paying attention. A 5 year will be the best year of your life, as it represents freedom and adventure. It will also be the most chaotic year of your life as it represents freedom and adventure.

5 is all about change, dynamic changes it is the only number that faces in both directions. It is a pivot number placed directly in the middle: 

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Last year for you was a 4 personal year, so you were preparing for transformational, and here is the energy you needed for that transformation. You will have many surprises and I equate this year for you like a roller coaster ride. Hold on and enjoy it, even if your are holding on by your knuckles. You will be called in to give it a “God Minute” more than once, to remind you what a “God Minute” is, click here! When the year is all said and done, it will have been the most dramatic shift in a long while, but heh, “shift happens” right? This will be a year to literally go with the flow and enjoy. I equate 5 with “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” so it is a year to be careful with excess of any kind. Did I say, “have fun?” I mean it, enjoy the ride.

6 Personal Year: Balance, Harmony, Nurturing, Care giving

Congratulations, you made it through last year! After the chaos and shifts of last year, this is the year to catch your breath and see actual progress. Even with some of the financial challenges the past year or two have brought, this year is a step up for you as you begin to balance work with family and community.

A 6 year can bring renewal, whether it is with relationships or redefining work, even major career opportunities, so if you lost your job, got out of a long relationship, or you got passed over for that promotion, take heed, it was just the 5 vibrations of last year getting you ready for the opportunity of a lifetime. 6 looks like a mother rocking a baby, or a pregnant woman comforting and rocking back and forth…a reminder to take care of self this year. 6 is the most balanced number in the system, so take this time to reflect and adjust your panties from last year’s ride.

7 Personal Year: The Faith-Seeker, Spirituality, Solitude, Introspection

If you are in a 7 Personal year or know someone in a 7 Personal year please understand this is the year for self introspection-so don’t automatically reach for the Prozac. It will be even more intense as it is a 7 Universal year. Think of numbers as sonar pings, the more energy vibrating at a 7, the louder the pings. Does that make sense? So, if you are a 7 life Lesson number in a 7 personal year in a 7 Universal year, you may head out to a desert island or join a monastery! More likely you may find some spiritual workshops, take up Yoga, or walk the Appalachian Trail, you get the idea…It is a time of introspection and revelation and not necessarily a “go-getter” year on a material level. 

It is a time of inner-growth and a time to learn to allow. Take a breath and let the past six years take care of you for a change. You are important and it is time to put the oxygen mask on you so next year you can take care of everything and everybody! It is a good time to look after you and look within you on ALL levels. When I was in my 7 year it was a year of product development, spiritual insight, and lots of time alone reflecting on where I wanted to take the rest of my life. It is important to take care of you and your spiritual needs. 

8 Personal Year: Business, Money, Resurgence, Renewal (yes a GREAT year)

Last year was all about self and introspection, this year is about business and career. 8 is the number of business and the number of money. This is a year out of the financial tunnel and into a cycle of harvest. It is a year to be involved and reap the harvest of business and material wealth. It is a powerful year and your intuition should be on full blower. If you have been plagued with health issues this is the number that represents the “phoenix out of the ashes” so believe in healthy and be healthy, miracles can occur in an 8 year (they can any time in my book, but there’s extra help for you now).

Those that have invested time, effort, and much “self-equity” in the past 7 years will reap the rewards. This also works the other way, those that have NOT put in the time and “self-equity” may find the extreme in the other direction. 8 Personal years in a 7 Universal Year can see some dramatic results by way of spiritual renewal and insight.

9 Personal Year: Endings, Wrapping Up Loose Ends, “Cleaning House”

Many will get a bit nervous when I speak of a 9 Personal year being about endings. In fact it is one of excitement, after all, last year was an 8-year and brought with it success and the opportunity for renewal. This year you will make room for those changes. It is about letting go and releasing unnecessary stuff, people and things that no longer serve you. It can be a very emotional year for those reasons. Look at it as an exciting adventure, one of prioritizing what is important and preparing you for a brand new 9 year api-cycle as next year for you will be all about new beginnings.

9 is also the number of the humanitarian and therefore you may feel the need to help others on a larger scale. This is the end of a 9-year cycle for you, so there will be changes. Change can be difficult, change is inevitable; it is HOW you face the changes, the opportunities and the obstacles that can make all the difference!

Listen to your guidance; listen to the feather before it is an elephant dropped on your head! This year is about implementing changes that will bring about new beginnings and new seeds being planted next year in your 1 personal cycle and your new 9-year epicycle.

Have a blessed year, Catherine