Elephants and Feathers Revisited

But…what if God is communicating with you-in a nonverbal way-making a little miracle happen, right in front of you? After all, God doesn’t speak to people in a human voice. He’s God…He’d do something no one else could do, just to show you it’s Him!

SQuire Rushnell: when GOD winks at YOU

Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.

-John Wooden, coach

Guidance from spirit comes in so many forms. Most importantly, it arrives in our life gently at first, in what I like to refer to as a “feather”. A feather is a nudge, a gentle push to get our attention in order to bring awareness to our current situation. So many want to talk with their guides and their loved ones not realizing that communication is constant, it is really about learning to listen in a non-traditional manner.

Learning to listen to the feathers in order to avoid the elephant is the difference between bumping your car with the shopping cart as you are putting in groceries and rear-ending the car in front of you on the way back from the store. It is about paying attention to the details that are happening right now in your life, not waiting to be hit over the head by something so devastating that it alters everything in your life. 

Guidance can be a “nudge nudge, wink wink” it doesn’t have to be the severe course correctors we expect in our own stubborn way, nor does it have to be a literal seeing or hearing your spirit guides or loved ones on the other side. “Talking” with your guides is usually in the form of an inspirational hunch that came from seemingly nowhere. 

Guidance can be a voice in your head that gives you an answer or offers a direction. 

So many expect the literal, and yes, sometimes you do LITERALLY see a guide or hear a loved one, but it takes a lot of energy on both sides of the veil to manifest the “real”. It takes less energy to pay attention to the thought or idea or vision in your head, and it is just as legitimate a message as something manifested.

Subtle hints and quiet signs are what I refer to as “feathers” because they are unassuming and non-threatening but also just as important in their messages as the elephants. Elephants are the “cosmic 2 x 4’s” that hit: accidents, dis-ease, divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, ALL the severe forms of guidance (yes, it is ALL guidance) designed to get us to where we would like to be, and where is that? Yep, you guessed it, happy.

When I trace the cascading path of a dis-ease with a client, the first message always was a feather. I remember years ago in the two day seminar class, one wonderful woman asked, “Catherine, sometimes isn’t a cup of coffee just a cup of coffee?” No and Yes. It is yes if you wake up, fix a cup of coffee, enjoy it while going about your day. It is more than a “cup of coffee” when it grabs your attention in some way…if you notice something, chances are there is a message, a “feather of guidance” present for you to think about.

My years working as an intuitive involved discerning the colors within your energy field.  When there is a depletion in one color, one area (at least), the body begins to draw its energy from the corresponding organs – it is trying to replenish that energy center. Think of the saying “Robbing Peter to pay Paul”. Different emotions drain different parts/organs in the body. 

What does this have to do with feathers and elephants? 

The corresponding organs are directly associated with YOUR EMOTIONS. Your (emotional)  choices of worry, regret, guilt, fear, anger, hatred, whatever deplete your energy (emotion) centers . 

Your aches and pains are a significant message, guidance. 

A little energy out results in a little “feather message” from the body, answer the body and let it know you “hear” the message by recognizing the message and the aches can disperse. When you address the concern, (the area in your life that needs your attention) and accept the message with love and go from there you don’t need the aches anymore. 

Aches are a feather, PAIN is an elephant. Chances are, you never paid attention to the aches, you took a pain reliever and told your body to “shut up.” I suggest you listen to your body, answer with discernment and then take your pain reliever as a “there, there, I hear you, thanks for sharing-let’s work on this together, preferably in the morning!” LOL

For example, I joined the Wellness Center this past week. Day 1- I headed in to work and parked my car in front of the building. As I was getting out of my car my foot got caught between the car and the curb, it could have been a nasty sprain or worse a break. I sat back down quickly and unhinged my foot and took a minute to reflect just exactly what that “feather” represented.

-Feet represent moving forward and how you accept progress in your life. The feet reflect your body. Feet move us forward first and furthest (fact and figuratively). Feet allow us to  extend our being

-Your right foot represents releasing or letting go, this could be people or opportunities that are anchoring you down and keeping you from moving forward. It can also represent a predominant male energy in your life, if you are male, then it could also include you. Injuries to your right foot would indicate a reluctance or hesitance to let go of the junk (yes, junk) that is holding you down, holding you back.

My “feather” and yes, it was a feather as it was not an injury was inviting me to think about what is going on in my life and a reminder that it is safe to move forward. Two big shifts taking place this week: a return to the gym to take off the “COVID 50” I put on and resurrecting my intuitive practice. Both of these are major additions to the beautiful life I have carved out over the past decade. 

Ignoring this feather could have resulted in a more traumatic injury that would first and foremost, stopped my participation at The Wellness Center. Many reluctant gym members have sabotaged their own wellness by injuries to feet, ankles, those body parts that represent moving forward when they first embark on their fitness endeavors.

Feathers and Elephants do not always have to do with health, they can be small signs, coincidences or synchronicities that get our attention for a reason. Did you notice a certain animal on your way to work? a deer running across the road? a fox? or a hawk or red bird? Here in Appalachia, a red bird is said to be a message from a loved one that has crossed over. Of course, I believe that! 

All you need to do is listen to the message, bless it, bless your life or body and accept the wonderful guidance you have been given.

Have a blessed week! I look forward to hearing about your “feathers”! 
